Assignment 6 2D Transformation

AIM: Implement following 2D transformations on the object with respect to axis :
i) Scaling ii) Rotation about arbitrary point iii) Reflection iv)Translation


Translation: Translation is defined as moving the object from one position to another position along

straight line path. 


We can move the objects based on translation distances along x and y axis. tx denotes translation distance along x-axis and ty denotes translation distance along y axis.

Translation Distance: It is nothing but by how much units we should shift the object from one location  to another along x, y-axis.

Consider (x,y) are old coordinates of a point. Then the new coordinates of that same point (x’,y’) can be obtained as follows:




Scaling:  scaling refers to changing the size of the object either by increasing or decreasing. We will increase or decrease the size of the object based on scaling factors along x and y -axis.

If (x, y) are old coordinates of object, then new coordinates of object after applying scaling

transformation are obtained as:



sx and sy are scaling factors along x-axis and y-axis. we express the above equations in matrix form as:



Rotation : A rotation repositions all points in an object along a circular path in the plane centered at the

pivot point. We rotate an object by an angle theta

New coordinates after rotation depend on both x and y

 x’ = xcosθ -y sinθ

  y’ = xsinθ+ ycosθ

  or in matrix form:

P' = R • P,

R-rotation matrix.

Formula:  X = xcosA - ysinA
          Y = xsinA + ycosA,
   A is the angle of rotation.
The above formula will rotate the point around the origin.
To rotate around a different point, the formula:
          X = cx + (x-cx)*cosA - (y-cy)*sinA,   
          Y = cx + (x-cx)*sinA + (y-cy)*cosA,   
                 cx, cy is centre coordinates, 
                 A is the angle of rotation.

The OpenGL function is glRotatef (A, x, y, z). 



Reflection: It is a transformation which produces a mirror image of an object. The mirror image can be either about x-axis or y-axis. The object is rotated by180°.

Types of Reflection:

  1. Reflection about the x-axis
  2. Reflection about the y-axis
  3. Reflection about an axis perpendicular to xy plane and passing through the origin
  4. Reflection about line y=x

1. Reflection about x-axis: The object can be reflected about x-axis with the help of the following matrix


In this transformation value of x will remain same whereas the value of y will become negative. Following figures shows the reflection of the object axis. The object will lie another side of the x-axis.


2. Reflection about y-axis: The object can be reflected about y-axis with the help of following transformation matrix


Here the values of x will be reversed, whereas the value of y will remain the same. The object will lie another side of the y-axis.

The following figure shows the reflection about the y-axis


3. Reflection about an axis perpendicular to xy plane and passing through origin:
In the matrix of this transformation is given below


In this value of x and y both will be reversed. This is also called as half revolution about the origin.

4. Reflection about line y=x: The object may be reflected about line y = x with the help of following transformation matrix


First of all, the object is rotated at 45°. The direction of rotation is clockwise. After it reflection is done concerning x-axis. The last step is the rotation of y=x back to its original position that is counterclockwise at 45°.

Example: A triangle ABC is given. The coordinates of A, B, C are given as

                    A (3 4)
                    B (6 4)
                    C (4 8)

Find reflected position of triangle i.e., to the x-axis.




 #include <iostream>
#include <math.h>
#include <time.h>
#include <GL/glut.h>
#include <vector>

using namespace std;

int edge;
vector<int> xpoint;
vector<int> ypoint;

int ch;

double round(double d){

    return floor(d + 0.5);

void init(){

void translation(){
    int tx, ty;
    cout<<"\t Enter Tx, Ty \n";
    cin>> tx>> ty;
    //Translate the point
    for(int i=0;i<edge;i++){
        xpoint[i] = xpoint[i] + tx;
        ypoint[i] = ypoint[i] + ty;
        for(int i=0;i<edge;i++){

void rotaion(){
    int cx, cy;
    cout<<"\n Enter Ar point x , y ";
    cin >> cx >> cy;
    cx = cx+320;
    cy = cy+240;
    glColor3f(0.0, 1.0, 0.0);
    double the;
    cout<<"\n Enter thetha ";
    the = the * 3.14/180;
        for(int i=0;i<edge;i++){
            glVertex2i(round(((xpoint[i] - cx)*cos(the) - ((ypoint[i]-cy)*sin(the))) + cx),
                   round(((xpoint[i] - cx)*sin(the) + ((ypoint[i]-cy)*cos(the))) + cy));

void scale(){

        for(int i=0;i<edge;i++){
    cout<<"\n\tIn Scaling whole screen is 1st Qudrant \n";
    int sx, sy;
    cout<<"\t Enter sx, sy \n";
    cin>> sx>> sy;
    //scale the point
    for(int i=0;i<edge;i++){
        xpoint[i] = (xpoint[i]-320) * sx;
        ypoint[i] = (ypoint[i]-240) * sy;     
        for(int i=0;i<edge;i++){

void reflection(){
    char reflection;
    cout<<"Enter Reflection Axis \n";
    cin>> reflection;
    if(reflection == 'x' || reflection == 'X'){
            for(int i=0;i<edge;i++){
                glVertex2i(xpoint[i], (ypoint[i] * -1)+480);
    else if(reflection == 'y' || reflection == 'Y'){
            for(int i=0;i<edge;i++){
                glVertex2i((xpoint[i] * -1)+640,(ypoint[i]));

void Draw(){

    if(ch==2 || ch==3 || ch==4){
            for(int i=0;i<edge;i++){
    else if(ch == 2){
    else if( ch == 3){
    else if (ch == 4){

int main(int argc, char** argv){
    cout<<"\n \t Enter 1) Scaling ";
    cout<<"\n \t Enter 2) Rotation about arbitrary point";
    cout<<"\n \t Enter 3) Reflection";
    cout<<"\n \t Enter 4) Translation  \n \t";
    if(ch==1 || ch==2 || ch==3 || ch==4){
        cout<<"Enter No of edges \n";
        cin>> edge;

        int xpointnew, ypointnew;
        cout<<" Enter"<< edge <<" point of polygon \n";
        for(int i=0;i<edge;i++){
            cout<<"Enter "<< i << " Point ";
            glutInit(&argc, argv);
            return 0;
            cout<<"\n \t Check Input run again";
        return 0;



g++ filename.cpp -lGL -lGLU -lglut

What is homogeneous co-ordinate system ?


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